ASEE has acquired 67.66% of the shares of the Spanish multinational until now held by Asseco Poland. The transaction to incorporate Necomplus into Payten, led by Piotr Jelenski, President and CEO of ASEE, follows the logic of combining all payment related companies within Asseco Group, in order to add dynamism and accelerate Payten’s geographical expansion. Necomplus, a reference within the industry in the Iberian market, with over 25 years’ experience in payment and omnichannel customer service, reached a turnover of 24.6 million euros in 2018, driven by the consolidation of the Latin American markets, where it established operations in 2014. Today, Necomplus serves the main processors and payment acquirers in the region through its subsidiaries in Colombia, Peru and the Dominican Republic. Payten accelerates its growth strategy with this operation, expanding the portfolio of expert solutions in payment, as well as its global footprint.
ASEE, part of Asseco Group, a top ten software vendor in Europe, which offers comprehensive, proprietary IT solutions for key industries. Listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) and with over 1,600 employees in the region, ASEE provides a broad portfolio of products for banking across 8 monetary systems, as well as a range of solutions for telco, utilities and public sector.
Payten is a new ASEE brand, arising from the strongly performing Payment Business Unit, to offer global solutions for financial and non-financial transactions. The company, which operates in the Balkans region within e-Commerce, payment security solutions, transaction processing, ATM & POS related services, and employs more than 500 people, will nearly triplicate its team size adding Necomplus’ 800 employees and will increase by 50% Payten’s turnover, close to 50 million euros today.
Necomplus’ existing management team, led by Juan Vicente Cantó (Executive Chairman) and Lorenzo Campos (CEO) will continue to lead the company’s expansion strategy, joining Payten's top management team.
Piotr Jeleński, ASEE Group President & CEO, commented that “acquiring Necomplus is part of Payten’s strategy to grow payment business in terms of its products & solutions portfolio as well as geographical reach, in order to meet and exceed clients’ expectations and follow market trends”. He added that he is convinced that entering markets outside the SEE region will allow for a more dynamic Payten’s expansion.
Juan Vicente Cantó, Executive Chairman of Necomplus, commented on this transaction that "maximizes future synergies with Payten, accelerating our growth strategy; we are very excited about this new chapter in Necomplus’ history within Asseco; a journey that started in 2010 and we are convinced it will continue to report excellent business opportunities to Necomplus."
Grupo Necomplus, present in Spain, Andorra, Portugal, Colombia, Peru and the Dominican Republic, will gain access to expand its contact center services within ASEE markets, since this business line is not offered elsewhere within Asseco Group. Necomplus, has extensive experience in customer service within the banking, real estate, insurance and tourism industries where it manages business processes and customer transactions for key clients. In the banking and payments industry, Necomplus top clients’ portfolio includes entities such as Banco Sabadell, CaixaBank, BBVA and Cajamar in Spain, as well as VisaNet and Procesos Medios de Pago, CredibanCo and CardNet in Latin America. Top tier clients who value Necomplus as a trusted partner due to its high commitment, flexibility and proactivity in delivering services, as well as its technology capabilities to provide innovative and efficient solutions.
With over 25 years of technological innovation and customer service experience in the payment industry, Necomplus becomes a strategic player within Payten’s future expansion plans.