- MerchantSafe Unipay is a risk reducing payment card tokenization, management and payment integration software for Merchants.
- PCI-DSS backed up by major financial institituions require all Merchants to be compliant by its rules. These can be very cumbersome if the merchant has direct access to payment cards. MerchantSafe Unipay provides all the functionalities of payment and removes Merchant’s access to payment cards, thus leaving the functionality and taking the risk.
- The product's final customers are mainly merchants that use online payment systems. This can be sold as a service to merchants, or as an in-house product for acquirers and payment gateways.
Customer Benefits
- Merchants using MerchantSafe Unipay
- Reducing Risks and Compliance with PCI-DSS
- Easy Payment Integration with a highly Customizable Payment Service
- Customer specified Campaigns, Loyalty Applications
- Support for various Payment Gateways
- One integration with the merchant opening to many acquirers
- Multi-language Support - Merchants and their customers can use the payment and administration modules in different languages.
- Allowing card holders to store their credit card for future easy payments
Technical Information
- J2EE Dynamic Web Project based on Spring Framework Core and MVC
- Product as a Service architecture
- Oracle (and all other RDBMSs, since Hibernate is used as ORM technology)
- SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 based API functionality
- Web based User Interfaces
- PCI Certificated secure environment
- HTTP Secure usage (SSL)
- User - Role - Permission based authentication on every action
- Detailed auditing, and audit records reporting interfaces
- Multilingual platform based on Spring ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource extension
- Number, Date and Time formatting
- User based localization available for Timezone
- Platform independent product (Tested on Windows and Unix)
- Default application container Apache Tomcat